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Stop Feeling the Post SXSW Interactive Blues

This was my fourth year in a row attending SXSW.

When I return home to a life and work that I love, there is a sinking feeling inside.

I miss the non-stop networking, events, sessions, photos with tech's finest like Robert Scoble (yes, that is us in the photo), social media interaction, swag, and more.

If you are a little down after leaving SXSW, here are some ideas to get your mojo back:

  • Meet with a friend who didn't attend SXSW. Think of the connections that you made that could benefit this person. Make those introductions.

  • Thank someone who helped make your time in Austin better. Find a thoughtful way to pay-it-forward.

  • Follow up with any new connections. Set calls in a few weeks to see how you can help each other.

  • Start planning your bucket list for SXSW next year. Maybe you'd like to speak on a panel or host your own event. Dream big and hustle like Gary V.

  • Remember, many people want to attend this event and don't get the opportunity. Be grateful and pass along what you learned to others.

What are some additional ways to beat the post SXSW Interactive blues?

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    By @JennyDeVaughn - Social Precision Blog - Stop Feeling the Post SXSW Interactive Blues
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    If you want your children to have success in their life and want to make them self-dependent and more want to make them a good citizen, you must have to sure the availability of education, as it is the education that has the authority to make the life of everyone.
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    Your progress since last four years going good and now time has been changed every person loves with photos, networking and so on. Your picture with your colleague si good that show how much you attached with each other.
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Reader Comments (4)

For the last three years I've rounded up locals who were also there and we "report back" to our community about what we saw and learned.

I've also created a program for my library that attempts to recreate some of the crossroads I found to be fruitful at sxsw, namely the intersection of the social/human tech and small business and nonprofits. I call it Catalyst Cafe at the Library. Some of the meetings have been magical, but all are useful.

July 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Bunker

Good ideas, Lisa!

July 18, 2013 | Registered CommenterJenny DeVaughn

This blog post really grabbed my attention. With that said I am going to subscribe. Therefore I will get more updates on what you have to say. Please keep writing as I want to learn more.

April 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSlimQuick

Pretty cool post. It’s really very nice and useful post.Thanks for sharing this with us!it’s my first visit.

May 12, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterForskolin

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